Tippmann Markers - SL68 II

Tippmann SL-68 II 1988
Retailed for $275.00
Released in January. It was designed to replace the SL-68, the SL-68II featured a new bottom-line tank adapter and external velocity adjuster. One of the longest in production as it continued to be produced until 2003. Several are on display in the museum including serial numbers: 32852, 31696, 35210?. Tippmann's most popular pump marker made. Flawed by the clamping feed neck that was cast in the body of the marker and over tightening would cause it to crack.

Tippmann SL-68 II Gen 2 2009
Released in October, the SL-68 II was re released and has several of the same features as the first generation however improved some of the few flaws the older ones had. The museum has currently two on display. One is a prototype serial number: VOC007 also on display is serial number: 394